

About samantha

MBA, Co-founder of Hollyfield Consulting & Marketing Consultant. Samantha received her undergraduate degree in International Business and earned her Masters's in Business Administration from Oral Roberts University. Samatha has helped franchises, small business owners, and mid-size corporations create and execute classic marketing strategies that tap into the lifestyle of their ideal client. In the last six years, Samantha helped over 200 podcasters launch their message and connect with their audience on a heart level. Today, she and her husband work with social-good thought leaders to refine their idea, launch a podcast, and create a movement.

How To Optimize Your YouTube Channel For Your Podcast

Optimizing your YouTube channel for a podcast in 2023 is important to ensure that your podcast gets discovered and reaches a wider audience.

By |2023-04-13T11:51:09-05:00April 13th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on How To Optimize Your YouTube Channel For Your Podcast

How To Use Chat GPT For Podcast Episode Ideas

Are you having trouble creating new podcast episode ideas? If you know your idea listeners and their needs, you have easy prompts you can put into Chat GPT!

By |2023-04-12T13:49:27-05:00April 11th, 2023|Content Creation, Podcast Strategy, Podcasting|Comments Off on How To Use Chat GPT For Podcast Episode Ideas

Develop Your Podcast Brand/Show Promise

Your podcast brand promise is your commitment to meeting the needs of your ideal listener in a way that is UNIQUE to you. Your podcast brand promise should appear in your written show description, unique or canned intros, a bio on social media, and so much more. When done correctly, your brand promise is a one-sentence description of your show. Your brand promise serves practical and promotional challenges by making it easy to quickly share what your show is about and how it solves challenges or needs for your ideal listener.

By |2023-03-28T18:39:12-05:00March 27th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on Develop Your Podcast Brand/Show Promise

Write Your Podcast Show Description

A good podcast show description should be concise, engaging, and informative. It should provide potential listeners with enough information to decide if the podcast is something they would be interested in and help them understand what they can expect from the show. Additionally, the description may include links to the show’s website or social media pages and any relevant information about sponsors or partnerships.

By |2023-07-04T18:17:05-05:00March 27th, 2023|Podcast Launch|Comments Off on Write Your Podcast Show Description

Create Your Podcast Show Graphic + Templates

A podcast show graphic is a visual representation of a podcast, typically in the form of an image or artwork that is used to identify and promote the show. It can be a custom-designed logo, a photo of the host or hosts, or an illustration that reflects the content or theme of the podcast. The show graphic is often used as the thumbnail or cover art for the podcast on various platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other podcast directories. The goal of a podcast show graphic is to capture the attention of potential listeners and communicate the essence of the podcast in a visually appealing way.

By |2023-03-27T10:33:32-05:00March 27th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Promotion Templates|Comments Off on Create Your Podcast Show Graphic + Templates

Episode Content Planning Spreadsheet

If you want to keep listeners and ensure you deliver on your brand promise in every episode, you must prepare. When prepping content, I map out details in a Google Drive spreadsheet. Then, once a month of content is mapped out, I get it into my project management software - ClickUp.

By |2023-03-24T21:43:53-05:00March 24th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Production Templates, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Episode Content Planning Spreadsheet

Refine Your Podcast Idea

Creating great content is simple, but it's not easy. Magic happens at the intersection of your experiences/expertise and a unique audience's needs. If you can get this right, the rest will align. I'll go so far as the right content for the right audience predicts success more than great audio and perfect video. Refining your tech won't get you an audience, but refining a message can launch a movement.

By |2023-03-24T19:14:46-05:00March 24th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on Refine Your Podcast Idea
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