Elevate your Digital Thought-Leadership

Attract Speaking Gigs, Publishers, and Followers with a Strong Digital Footprint! 

Establishing a solid digital footprint can feel like navigating uncharted territory. Whether you’re just starting out or have been leveraging social media and publishing books for years, thought-leaders all know the struggle when it comes to showing up online.

  • Constantly adapting to new social media algorithms

  • Keeping up with industry leaders in producing high-quality audio and video content

  • Staying relevant by continuously engaging your audience with fresh and relevant insights

  • Technical skills to keep all of this up

These hurdles can make it difficult to start or pivot your digital strategy, even when you know the importance of standing out online.

That’s where we come in!

We help thought-leaders show up on social media with confidence and excellence, create a website that showcases deep content with heart, launch a podcast that propels a movement, and establish the routines and systems to keep all of that going as a solopreneur. When you create a solid digital footprint, you attract publishers, speaking gigs, followers, and galvanize your thought-leadership.

The RIGHT strategy will help you:

Enhance Visibility

Implement strategies tailored for thought leadership to increase visibility and attract a larger audience online.

Build Authority

People do in fact judge a book by its cover. It’s not about looking younger or being something you’re not. It’s about showing up well. By mastering online marketing techniques, thought leaders can show up as experts in their field, gaining credibility and trust among their audience. 

Expand Reach

Don’t just post and cross your fingers. Know that every post you make is creating a strong platform. Leverage online channels like your social media, YouTube, website, and even podcasts effectively, to reach a broader audience and extend brand influence

Create Connections

By implementing thought-leadership specific strategies, you can generate opportunities, that lead to connections with a publishers, sell your books to an engaged audience, and most importantly propel your social-good ideas. All of these things take time so you need to know that every post you make has a purpose.

Stay Relevant

Online marketing is constantly evolving, discover how to stay update on the latest trends and best practices, ensuring you remain relevant in the social zeitgeist. And learn how to capitalize on trends without devaluing your brand or message. You don’t have to dance or do something that doesn’t feel right for your brand values or esthetic to jump on a trend.

Amplify Impact

With a strong online presence and effective marketing strategy, thought leaders have the tools to amplify the impact of their message and ideas, making a greater difference in the world. That’s the goal right? Reach more people who need your message in a way that makes sense and feel organic to YOU.

What People Are Saying

As I consider the consistency, honesty, integrity and efficiency of Hollyfield Consulting it would be an understatement to say “it was a great experience to work with them.” Hollyfield Consulting is one of the best companies in the nation that pays close attention to detail as they strive to serve the entirety of the vision of their clients. They uphold the highest standard of quality as well as endless visionary ideas that make your own ideas come to life. Whether you are looking for assistance in podcast editing or launching, digital ads, or professional website building, look no further, Hollyfield Consulting is second to none! My personal experience with Hollyfield Consulting was moving from a simple Shopify website that carried ministry products to a beautiful fully loaded professional website that actually housed and expressed all that we do as a family in ministry. In the initial conversation with Samantha of Hollyfield Consulting I could not put into words exactly what I was looking for. She Immediately put language to the vision and said, “You are looking for a digital home.” The idea of a digital home that could reveal the call of God on my life, display my podcast and sermon library, blog my national articles, reveal my upcoming events, showcase all my books, digitize my classic audio sermons and host a full online store for my products BLEW MY MIND! Hollyfield Consulting went above and beyond and not only built Caleb Cooper Ministries a digital home but a digital mansion. This is one company I can honestly say that they promised a lot and delivered even more. I highly recommend Hollyfield Consulting!

Caleb Cooper, Caleb Cooper Ministries

I just have to say, Samantha has demonstrated extraordinary initiative and a true caring for my company and it’s brand.  I was late on getting creative into the Tulsa People magazine for the A-List edition, so I sacrificed quality to meet the deadline, utilizing the Tulsa People art department. Samantha, found out about what was sent, whipped up 2 exceptional pieces, contacted the art/publication director at Tulsa People and got her fine piece submitted so it will be included in the publication – after the deadline.  This is the kind of exceptionalism that wins long-term loyalty of customers in this highly competitive marketing arena.  I am truly grateful.  I only write one or two of these kinds of missives a year for those people who deserve noteworthy praise. Samantha gets a 10 rating (on a 0 to 5 scale)!

Greg Ford, Former CEO of MaidPro Heartland

Samantha is an extraordinary colleague. While we grew up together, I didn’t know her professionally until three years ago and she’s now my go-to person for logo, graphic design, and branding projects. We share similar values in really understanding what the client needs, wants, and doesn’t know they need or want. We also have a shared commitment that any art we create together is accurate, inclusive, and professional but not overly polished. That’s important to me, especially in photography, because so much material out there creates or perpetuates homogenized, false standards of what we all know is real life. She’s my partner in capturing the natural beauty and essence of an idea or a client and sharing that in a clean, nuanced way that visually communicates with audiences. I highly recommend Samantha for your next branding or graphic design project.

Victoria Montemayor, CEO of VICTORIALUCIA.COM

Samantha is a HUGE asset to our company. We depend on her for so much of what we do with our clients. Not only is she quick but she is also effective. She always goes above and beyond what is asked of her. We are thankful at Charisma to have her working with us! If you need something done with excellence just ask Samantha!

Nick Beecher, Brands That Last

Samantha answered all of our marketing questions and concerns wonderfully during our 4-hour marketing workshop. She’s very educated and knows exactly what she is talking about. She was able to give us pros and cons on different strategies, as well as educating us on what was the best marketing plans to better suit our area. Whether you are a small business that’s just starting out or a business that’s been around for 20 years, Hollyfield Consulting is the upgrade you need to succeed.

Seanacie Reyna, Seanacie Creative

Samantha has managed social media, email marketing, print design, direct mail design and other marketing processes for MaidPro Tulsa and MaidPro KC. She has helped both locations connect with the local community and helped us build strong brand awareness for both markets.

Diana Media, Former Operations Manager at MaidPro Heartland

I was in need of a complete website revamp. Samantha and Nathan have been rebuilding my site adding every component that I was missing as well as streamlining all of the different plug-ins and things I was using to make life easier for me and a better experience for those who visit my site.

Everything for me was very scattered. Making it difficult for me to check on things or to see what I needed. I also liked the experience to know what kind of things needed to be on my website. After speaking with Samantha it was made very clear all that I was missing and what they could help me do.

Samantha is very personable. She asked a lot of questions and wanted to truly get to know what was in my mind and heart as far as what the message is I need to send through the website and what I want to accomplish. She’s easy to work with and to understand and communication has been very simple. She’s done all the hard work while I simply answer her questions.

You are very caring, patient and personable. You were able to easily capture our vision and present it with excellence

We significantly increased our presence on-line and we expressed our fun, quirkiness, and other cultural aspects of our business. We actually did marketing.

I feel I have regained control back over the message I’m sending out am I ability to interact with my followers. Knowing everything is all in one place is much less stressful and helpful in moving forward and growth.

Personal contact and the careful, thoughtful transmission of our company, it’s culture, and brand. Others just slapped together things they grabbed from their experience and our existing marketing collateral.

My work capacity has been enlarged, and I am able to connect my own business with other leaders around the globe.

I gained personal confidence as a result of working with Samantha as she educated me and gave me the resources I needed to feel knowledgeable.

Samantha and Nathan created an introduction audio for not one ,but for three of our cheerleading squads! Samantha was very personable and asked many questions until she understood exactly what we needed ! She and Nathan went above and beyond , from making sure every girl’s name was pronounced correctly, to providing us with excellent quality of the final product! We cannot recommend them enough! Thank you Hollyfield Consulting for your impeccable work!” – Bixby 5th grade cheer coaches

Hi! We’re Nathan and Samantha Hollyfield.

We create powerful marketing platforms for thought-leaders eager to create social good with their world-changing ideas. Simply put, we help you show up on your social media with confidence, podcast with authority, website with credibility, and establish the routines you need to sustain these powerful marketing efforts so you can attract publishers, book buyers, or people who need your consulting services.

Expert knowledge and experience in online marketing, audio/video production, and messaging are what we use to help our clients STRATEGICALLY build marketing platforms that connect with the hearts and minds of their ideal audiences. Nothing makes us happier when our clients gain the confidence and clarity to achieve their mission and develop stronger relationships with the people they serve using the strength of their great ideas.

We have launched over 200 podcasts and served media companies, franchises, multi-state corporations, and more to achieve their marketing goals by creating marketing channels to showcase their industry authority and create meaningful connections. We know that thought leaders hear a lot of questionable advice and implement tools that ultimately slow them down. So, we put together all the tools we offer our big consulting clients and networks so you can create a solid digital footprint and skip the bullsh**.

Show Up and Show Up Well

Elevate your social media profiles

Get confident creating social media content that propels your message and reaches the right people.

Launch a podcast

Launch a podcast with the right tech and a strategy for every episode so you can build authority on a deeper level, attract speaking gigs and publishers, and create meaningful connections.

Own your audience

Understand how to leverage an email list and offer exclusive content to your most engaged followers who want to hear from you more often!

Create a website that converts

Create a website that showcases your message and heart. This is crucial to your marketing strategy. It’s more than a business card; it gets people to convert.

Get systems for success

Know what role every platform plays in your strategy, how to use it, and get the systems and tools to do this as a solopreneur or thought leader.

Influence and Inspire with Digital Savvy

Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn if a one-on-one marketing support is for you OR use the button to enter your email to hear when the courses for social media, email, podcasting, and more launch. Woot!

Show Up on Social Like a Boss

To be at the forefront of your industry, you need a platform. One of the most powerful ways to galvanize an audience that is highly engaged is to build your social media profiles. Get the strategy you need to show up on the right social media platforms with content that demonstrates authority, builds relationships, and helps you reach more people that want your message. You don’t have to learn every new dance on TikTok or struggle to find the right tools.

Get what you need to show up with quality, strong content right out of the gate:

  • Recommendations for cost-effective, and simple to use video tools PLUS step-by-step guide on how to use these tools.
  • Realistic strategy that allows you to post across multiple platforms with ease.
  • Templates for messaging that should go with every post.
  • Templates for square posts, stories, Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Create A Website with Authority

Your book isn’t the only thing that will be judged by its cover. As a thought-leaders your website serves as not just a digital business card, but a place where your audience needs to convert – whether you are trying to convert visitors into book buyers, sell your consulting services, or sign up for your newsletter where you share original thoughts.

  • Establish a digital footprint that elevates your voice and brand.
  • Showcase your speaking, writing, and books/courses/services.
  • Create systems that allow your SEO to grow so you can reach more people without a huge hiring a full-time agency.
  • Build a system with room for your brand to grow into e-commerce and more.
  • Get something you’re proud to send people to when they want to see your work.

Launch a Podcast, Propel a Movement

Podcasting is one the number one tools for creating a highly engaged audience, especially ones that buy books. Podcast listeners have higher education and more not only more likely to buy from hosts they listen to regularly, they highly trust hosts they love. Whether you are trying to propel a movement, explore new book ideas, or create meaningful connections through interviews, podcasting is MASSIVE tool for thought-leaders to leverage when establishing credibility online.

Create one piece of deep content each week that can be repurposed to:

  • Build your social media platforms
  • Establish strong SEO on your website
  • Nurture your prospects
  • Showcase your speaking ability
  • Attract publishers

Reach The Right People

It’s hard to know where and how to advertise as a solo-prenuer. We create ad audiences that match your target audience, expand your audience, retarget existing customers/followers/subscribers, and ensure the right message reaches the right people so no dollar is wasted.

Stand Out as a Thought Leader Online

Sign up to be the first to hear when our eCourses on social media marketing, email marketing, and podcast launch + marketing go live.