Do you have a big idea for a podcast? Or have you launched a new show but quickly realized you bit off more than you could chew?

Keep your momentum! Learn the biggest challenges new podcasters face and tell those monsters who’s boss. Meet these challenges face on with tangible and practical resources to set you up for success. The podcast industry needs your voice!

A new celebrity podcast launches every five minutes, and let’s get real… I’m a fan of all of them, BUT so many of these shows are alike. They don’t have to do the brand work necessary to thrive because they already have a fan base who will show up and listen! Unfortunately, that is not the rest of us. 

I want to see people like you enter the market and create real change in the world. We need space for entrepreneurs, thought-leaders, authors, creators, and social-good leaders to launch podcasts that propel change. Maybe podcasting every week seems daunting, but if your show can make someone feel seen, help them succeed, and create change, I want you to keep going!

Some of the biggest challenges new podcasters may face:

Finding a Niche:

Choosing a topic that you are passionate about and has an audience can be challenging. It’s essential to research your niche and understand its market demand. 

Creating Quality Content:

Creating engaging and informative content that keeps your audience coming back can be challenging. It’s important to plan your episodes and have a clear structure to keep your content on track.

Technical Issues:

Dealing with technical issues such as equipment failure or poor sound quality can be frustrating. Investing in quality equipment and learning the basics of audio editing is important to avoid these issues.

Building an Audience:

Growing your audience can be difficult, especially in a crowded market. It’s essential to have a strategy for promoting your podcast and engaging with your listeners.


Consistently producing new episodes can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. It’s important to have a schedule and stick to it to keep your audience engaged.


Monetizing your podcast can be a challenge, especially for new podcasters. You need a strategy for generating revenue through sponsorships, merchandise, or other means.

A free tool to help you overcome some of these major road blocks:


Want to know how to launch your podcast faster and with more confidence?

This free checklist and guide will show you step-by-step the strategies, tech, and skills you need to create a podcast show that attracts your perfect audience and inspires them to join your mission to change the world.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what it takes to have a successful podcast, as success can be defined in different ways depending on the goals and objectives of the podcast. 

What (general) factors can contribute to the success of a podcast:

Quality Content:

The most important factor in a podcast’s success is the quality of its content. Your content should be engaging, informative, and unique. You should have a clear vision for your podcast and be able to communicate it effectively to your audience.


Consistently producing new episodes on a regular schedule is essential for building an audience and keeping them engaged. Your audience should know when to expect new content from you, and you should strive to meet those expectations.


Effective marketing is critical for reaching a wider audience and growing your podcast’s listenership. You can promote your podcast through social media, email marketing, guest appearances on other podcasts, and other channels.


Engaging with your listeners and building a community around your podcast can help increase loyalty and retention. You can encourage engagement by responding to listener feedback and creating opportunities for listeners to participate in the podcast.


Monetizing your podcast can help you sustain your efforts and generate revenue. You can monetize your podcast through sponsorships, merchandise sales, or by offering premium content or services.

Technical Quality:

Finally, the technical quality of your podcast is important for creating a professional and enjoyable listening experience. Invest in quality equipment and editing software, and take the time to ensure your audio is clear and well-produced.

The most important tool for support for podcasters is having a strong community of listeners and fellow podcasters. Support can come as a social media group, a forum, or even a local meetup of podcasters.

Why a supportive community benefits podcasters:


Getting constructive feedback from other podcasters or listeners can help improve the quality of your content and grow your audience.

Collaboration Opportunities:

Collaborating with other podcasters can help you reach new audiences and produce more engaging content.

Motivation and Encouragement:

Having a supportive community can provide motivation and encouragement during times when producing a podcast can be challenging.


Networking with other podcasters and industry professionals can help you learn about new opportunities and stay up to date on the latest trends and best practices.

Resource Sharing:

Sharing resources and tips with other podcasters can help you save time and money and improve the overall quality of your podcast.

Overall, having a strong community can provide valuable support and resources for podcasters, helping them to grow their podcasts and achieve their goals.

Get the community you need and ongoing support to create a podcast that thrives:

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The Podcast Growth Membership helps podcast hosts grow their tribe, downloads, and influence through easy-to-implement tools and templates that even a solopreneur can execute.

More helpful videos as you get started: