Intentional work is hard.

It’s hard in relationships, personal growth, professional growth…

Many new creators think creative work (like podcasting) doesn’t take intention or discipline. But the opposite is true – even with a hobby podcast!

I mentioned this a little in last week’s Podcast Host Newsletter. You can’t use up creativity! The more you use, the more you get! The idea that we need to be in flow to create is a lie. We fall into this trap when we take a “spaghetti at the wall” approach to content creation. You’re just waiting for something to stick instead of making something sticky!

You’re just waiting for something to stick instead of making something sticky! 

Flow happens consistently when you permit yourself to be in that zone. 

Here is what I mean – many writers create a schedule that allows them to focus solely on writing, and they do this consistently! They set up a time that allows them to move the needle. And eventually, that time becomes a flow. Many people call it something different – power hour, deep work, etc. There are entire books about this idea!

20 out of 10 times, the person with a schedule to create creates more content over time than someone waiting for the spark. And we all know that one of the pillars of marketing success is frequency; we must keep showing up to nurture our audience. So why not have a better plan?

Don’t wait to strike when the iron is hot; keep feeding the fire.

Don’t wait to strike when the iron is hot; keep feeding the fire. 

Creating new episodes weekly is tough, but if you know your brand promise and your ideal listener, you know HOW to keep showing up for this person. And if you’re leveraging that content calendar I sent last week in our Podcast Host Newsletter, you know when you sit down in your dedicated creation time that you have a list of needs for your ideal listener to tap into and form new episodes or interviews around. So you can go into that time purposefully and not stare at the empty screen.

Intentional work is hard because it takes action.

10-Day Podcast Growth Challenge | Free Download

There is no secret sauce! Podcast growth is simple, but it’s not easy.

This ten-day challenge will ask you to drill down on your audience and the value you deliver. The truth is if you don’t have a clear message that solves a problem for a specific group of people, it won’t matter how much money you spend or how balls-to-the-wall you go with tactical promotion – your podcast won’t see long-term subscriber growth. This challenge best suits transformation podcasts trying to take someone from A to B.

Grow your podcast and yourself in this ten-day challenge.