

About samantha

MBA, Co-founder of Hollyfield Consulting & Marketing Consultant. Samantha received her undergraduate degree in International Business and earned her Masters's in Business Administration from Oral Roberts University. Samatha has helped franchises, small business owners, and mid-size corporations create and execute classic marketing strategies that tap into the lifestyle of their ideal client. In the last six years, Samantha helped over 200 podcasters launch their message and connect with their audience on a heart level. Today, she and her husband work with social-good thought leaders to refine their idea, launch a podcast, and create a movement.

Choose Your Podcast Hosting and Distribution

You are so close to launching your podcast! Podcast hosting stores and distributes audio and video content as podcasts on the internet. Podcast hosting services provide the necessary infrastructure and tools to upload, store, and distribute your audio files to listeners.

By |2023-05-16T12:41:02-05:00March 21st, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Tech|Comments Off on Choose Your Podcast Hosting and Distribution

Podcaster Social Media Audit

How are you showing up on social media? Too often, we hear a platform isn't working when it isn't being leveraged correctly. Conduct a social media audit using the questions on the next page to evaluate your social presence. Great marketing and promotion are CLEAR. Make sure that when someone arrives on your profile, they understand who you are, what you're about, and how you can help.

By |2023-03-16T20:26:04-05:00March 15th, 2023|Promotion Templates|Comments Off on Podcaster Social Media Audit

How To Plan Your First Solo Episodes

Solo episodes are a vulnerable experience! Typically, solo episodes are done by thought leaders, teachers, and narrative storytellers. The episode prompts below will help you set the tone for your podcast and connect with your ideal listener on an emotional level.

By |2023-03-27T18:52:08-05:00March 14th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on How To Plan Your First Solo Episodes

How To Plan Your First Interviews

To plan your first interviews, keep your ideal listener and show promise in mind. The few interviews of your podcast can set the tone for potential listeners. The key to planning great interviews is to DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Research your guests, even if you know them. While you want interviews to ebb, flow, and be natural, you are inviting a guest on for a specific reason, and it's to help you deliver on your show promise for your ideal listener.

By |2023-03-27T18:57:11-05:00March 14th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How To Plan Your First Interviews

How To Name Your Podcast

Great podcast names aren’t just catchy; they serve a purpose! Remember, when you are an unknown show, the name of your podcast can help attract your ideal listener. Therefore, we have three steps to help you develop nine plus on-purpose name ideas. You’ll create name names based on your ideal listener’s needs, the transformation they hope to experience, and call the listener and transformation out. This will give you a solid base to experiment with.

By |2023-03-15T12:41:06-05:00March 10th, 2023|Podcast Launch, Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on How To Name Your Podcast

How To Develop Your Ideal Podcast Listener

You need to know your audience to produce content that gains subscribers and is shared. Knowing your audience is a content creation game changer. Every time you sit down to create something new, it allows you to envision the person that needs your message and why. Knowing your audience will transform how you develop and grow your show.

By |2023-03-16T21:03:19-05:00March 2nd, 2023|Podcast Strategy|Comments Off on How To Develop Your Ideal Podcast Listener

Email Template For Inviting Guests Onto The Podcast

When reaching out to listeners, how they can serve your audience with their unique message or journey will be more important than the number of downloads you have. To be a successful interviewer immediately, you must start relationships for the right reasons! You’ll get guests on your show more if you reach out to them after doing your homework. When you reach out, share part of their message that resonated with you and how it can serve your audience.

By |2023-03-07T18:48:00-06:00March 1st, 2023|podcast guest|Comments Off on Email Template For Inviting Guests Onto The Podcast

Create Your Ideal Guest Avatar + Checklist

When you can clearly understand and communicate a guest’s value, it’s not only easier to promote the episode, but it’s also easier for the episode to gain traction and be “shareable.” Great marketing is easily communicated. When you promote a guest well, they are more likely to share it with their audience.

By |2023-03-07T18:50:10-06:00February 27th, 2023|podcast guest, Podcast Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Create Your Ideal Guest Avatar + Checklist

Podcast Media Kit Canva Templates

Are you ready to start monetizing your podcast? Our Podcast Media Kit Canva Templates help you create a one-page data sheet that shares about your unique audience, downloads, reach, and advertising packages. Templates can be updated with your brand colors, branding, and imagery.

By |2023-04-27T10:50:10-05:00February 24th, 2023|Podcast Monetization|Comments Off on Podcast Media Kit Canva Templates
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